There are several common myths surrounding herpes that contribute to misinformation and stigma.
Herpes doesn't discriminate. If you're sexually active you are susceptible to herpes. It has nothing to do with promiscuity or carelessness.
You only have to be exposed once to contract herpes. This is a harmful stigma that leads to anxiety, depression, and embarrassment, putting you in a stressful state and causing more outbreaks. It’s a vicious cycle!
Many people that have herpes are asymptomatic, meaning they don’t show any signs or symptoms.
In fact, as many as 90% of people living with herpes don’t realize they have it. They can unknowingly spread herpes to their partners!
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Not at all! A genital herpes diagnosis doesn't mean you have to give up joy and connection—it just means embracing new awareness and intimacy. Your love life is still full of potential; it's just learning to dance to the beat of a slightly different drum.
Between outbreaks, sex is still on the table. Just make sure both you and your partner are on the same page about risks. You can still engage in sexual activity with condoms, provided there are no sores in the area. Condoms are not guaranteed to prevent infection, but research has shown that they provide some protection.
When you feel an outbreak coming, or when you notice sores on your genitals, it's time to put certain activities on pause:
Instead, get creative with your partner in other ways, like:
If you still want to have sex during outbreak, you can find a partner with herpes.
Concerned about herpes transmission and seeking a worry-free sexual experience? Meet nearby singles with HSV-2
While HSV-2 is mainly sexually transmitted, HSV-1 often spreads through casual contact like kissing or sharing utensils. Many acquire it in childhood through nonsexual means. So, let's break those stereotypes and look at the facts.
Genital herpes can spread through sexual contact and/or:
Herpes is a common viral infection, and its presence is not indicative of a person's moral character. Stigmatizing individuals with herpes contributes to unnecessary shame and fear.
Worrry about herpes transmission? Meet nearby HSV-2 positive singles now!
While condoms can reduce the risk of herpes transmission, they do not provide complete protection. The virus can be present in areas not covered by a condom.
Many people with herpes may not experience noticeable symptoms, or the symptoms may be so mild that they go unnoticed. As a result, individuals may not be aware that they have the virus.
Herpes is quite common. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that a significant portion of the global population is infected with herpes simplex virus (HSV), with HSV-1 and HSV-2 being widespread.
A person with herpes is not always infectious but the virus is occasionally shed from the skin when symptoms are not present. Most of the time when you don't have symptoms you are not infectious.
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